What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
When I began to make and plan my magazine I learnt that technology was very important to the process and success of a magazine of any kind. I learnt a great deal about what technologies were appropriate to use in the process of making a music magazine and what technologies were not appropriate to use.
For my music magazine the first step for me was to take photos that I would use in my magazine and to do this I used a Canon 60D digital camera, this enabled me to take high resolution pictures at a professional level which would look appropriate on my magazine. It was important that my images for my magazine looked professional as this would help to bring in the target audience that I wanted. I found when using this camera that I was able to learn quickly how to take the best shots with the equipment that I had access to. I learned quickly when using the canon camera how to focus the lens on what I wanted and how to use it's features to my advantage. In the process of taking my photos I used spotlight which enabled me to take photos with professional lighting which were able to capture the overall look of the 'model'. This was important as it meant that my photos were able to be given professional lighting which would help the images to keep with the professional look and this would keep me further on in the editing process.

This is an example of a photo that was used in my magazine, this was the unedited version that was taken directly from the camera. As you can see the spotlights made a massive difference when taking the photos and had a create effect on them by enhancing the models and creating shadows which added to the overall effect on the image. After taking my photo's I needed to edit the in order to make them look the way I wanted them to in my magazine. In order to do this I used a website called Picmonkey. On Picmonkey I was able to perform simple airbrushing and Photoshop techniques which enabled me to keep the professional look to my magazine . Picmonkey was a relatively easy sit to use and this meant that I was able to edit the photos to the best of my ability. Another website I used was Pixlr, I used this as for some of my photos I needed to remove the green screen background that was in the image and add a new background colour of my choice.
When I began to put my magazine together instead of using Microsoft publisher which was what I had used originally and found that the overall product was not what I had expected, so therefore I decided to use a website called Canva. Canva helped me to create and construct a very professional looking magazine by providing me with a selection of templates which I was able to get inspiration from and work form in order to create a magazine. Something I learnt about Canva was how to layer images, text and symbols over a background image. This helped me to keep continuity throughout my magazine as it meant that I was able to create a similar look for each of the pages which meant that my magazine looked real and flowed well together. I used Blogger in order to keep up to date with my work and posting in online for people to see. Using blogger meant that I was able gain feedback from my peers and teachers about my magazine and how it could be better. Having used blogger to upload my progress from last years tasks I therefore new how to use blogger and how to change the layout, style and overall look of my blog in order to keep it in the theme of my task. When I came down to blog posts I already knew how upload images, videos and Prezi's onto my blog in order to make it more interesting and allow me to present my work in different ways.
Overall I think when comparing this product to my previous product and preliminary task there is a big difference in the success of the look and the overall feel of the magazine. It is clear from the final product that I have learnt how to use technologies efficiently and correctly in order to create a professional and genre appropriate magazine that grasps the target audience that I was hoping for.