Saturday 30 January 2016

The making of my double page spread

The making of my double page spread
Lastly I was tasked with making my double page spread, I didn't immediately sense an issue with my original double page spread as it was quite conventional and I had based it on a double page spread I had seen of Lead singer of Paramore, Hayley Williams. However, the issue I had with my original double page spread was that it didn't look part of my new magazine as the colour scheme, layout and etc was different to my cover page and contents page. For my contents and cover page I used  a website called Canva to edit and create those pages and for continuity I decided to use the same website to create my double page spread. This meant that my pages had the same professional look about them.

I began with a background colour for my double page spread as both of my pages background were dark colours such as black and dark grey in order the make this page stand out in the magazine but still manage to fit in with the overall look of the magazine as well. I decided that the appropriate colour to have as a background would be white, images and text stand out and are easy to read off this colour and this colour fits into the overall colour scheme of this magazine. MY next task was to pick a picture to add onto the double page spread, I chose an image of the group as they would be the feature of this page. I decided to make the title quite basic and a slightly larger size in order for it to stand out on the page but not over shine the images on the page which are intended to draw the main focus of the page. I decided that the text on this page would be an interview of one of the members of the band, this would be the main focus on the article and help the article to be professional and adds content to the magazine. Next I decided to add a second picture to this magazine article as this helps to build the character and image of the band featured on this page, this helps to make the magazine look and feel more professional.

I am happy with the overall look of this page and the way that it fits into my music magazine. I think that this page is very conventional in that it features a magazine article relating to the band on the page, this article is an interview which is a classic convention of music magazine and would be what the reader expects to be on a double page spread. I am happy with the way that the text of the magazine turned out and the layout that I chose for the text as it is very conventional and is easy to reader for the audience.

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