Tuesday 2 February 2016

Who would be the audiecen for you media product?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

When thinking about who the target audience for my magazine would be I began some research into existing music magazines and what their target audience's were. I looked at Kerrang! magazine which also fits into my genre of magazine and began to look at what their target audience was. I found that a similarity between Kerrang! and other music magazines was that the majority of these magazines were aimed at teens and young adults. This was clear when we looked at the age groups that bought Kerrang! magazine and the age group that had the highest sale rate. This was the age group 15-25. When I began to create my music magazine I needed to think about what age group my magazine was aimed at so I could create a design that would appeal to them. I decided that I would follow magazine such as Kerrang! and NME and aim my music magazine at teens and young adults as they seem to have the highest intake rate of music magazines and this meant that I was able to design a magazine that would appeal to them. Rock music is also becoming more popular with teens and young adults in the current music culture as the music is evolving and becoming more appealing to this generation of people.

After age I thought about what gender my music magazine would be aimed at. I decided that although I would not aimed towards a specific gender, stereotypically it would be the male gender that my rock music magazine would appeal to most so therefore I had to think about creating a magazine that would appeal to the male gender and about what stereotypically would appeal to them in a magazine and what features I could include and maybe alter that would make the magazine also appeal to the female gender as well. Another factor that I had to consider would be my audiences interests and what type of audience that could attract. I decided to look at existing magazine in order to analyse what they had included and what effect that it had on the audience of the magazine. I made the decision to include current bands and artists rather than older musicians as this was most likely to appeal to the target audience that I had planned and meant that the magazine would be up to date and relevant. I will be able to gain feedback from the magazine and from that will able to understand more of what my audience want from the content of this magazine and this will allow me to expand my audience further.

The last factor I decided to think about was the Socio-economic class of my audience and this I felt would not be a very important factor for me. I decided that when looking at the audience of my magazine that socio-economic class would not have a massive effect of my audience as it relies more on their interests as a person than what class they are in. After preforming some quick research around socio-economic groups and their interest in magazines I found that there was a wide range of groups that showed an interest in reading music magazines. This supported my decision to not aim at a particular socio-economic group, however things such as the tone and style of the writing can have an impact on which groups show a stronger interest.

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