Monday 15 February 2016

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I aim to aim my rock magazine at a mass audience as this will allow my magazine to get the target audience that I aimed for. I tried to appeal to the interests of teens and young adults who share a love for rock music and the genre itself.

A media institution I think might be interested in distributing my music magazine is Bauer. Bauer is a widely known publishing company and is used to working with popular music magazine such a Kerrang!. As my magazine like Kerrang! is a music magazine I feel that they would be interested in publishing my magazine as it is a conventional magazine in that it has conventional aspects to it's appearance and content but my magazine brings something new to the rock music magazine brand. Bauer publisher a wide range of magazines meaning that they would be able to promote and distribute my magazine to a larger audience and get me the mass audience that I aim to receive.

I have also looked at other publishing companies that perhaps have a smaller scale such as Imagine Publishing. Imagine Publishing is a UK based publishing company that mainly base their magazine om technology and knowledge/science. I think that Imagine publishing might consider distributing a music magazine as it could help to expand their target audience of their company and could bring a new form of magazine to their company. As their current magazines are manly technology and science, distributing my magazine would mean that my rock magazine would be the first music magazine that they were to publish and this could become a bug marketing opportunity for them which could big in new customers and subscribers. Anther publishing company that I looked at was Blaze Publishing. Blaze Publishing are on of the largest independently owned publishing company in the shooting sector. The reason that I think that Blaze Company might be interested in distributing my rock magazine is that they have recently began to distribute music magazines and create live music events. I think that this would be perfect for my music magazine as not only would they be able to distribute my magazine to a audience that are appropriate for my magazine, this company would be able to organise live music events such as festivals which could become a massive marketing opportunity for my magazine and could gain a new interest in my magazine.

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