Monday 8 February 2016

How does your media product a particular social group?

How does your media product represent a particular social group?
What is a social group? A social group is a collection of people who share the same social relation. This could be age, gender, class etc.

When looking at my music magazine there are many ways in which my magazine represents a particular social group. The artist that is featured on the front cover of my magazine is a female and around the age of 18. This artist fits perfectly into my target audience as they are in the age bracket of teens to young adults and by being female this immediately appeals to a female audience as well as the stereotypical male audience. This artist helps to show the audience that the artists featured are going to be new and current artists that they can relate to as they are in the same age bracket. I think that the fact there is a young artist featured on the front cover helps to represent the target audience of this magazine and helps to inform the audience on whether this would be something that they are interested in.

Another way that I think my magazine represents a particular social group is through the tone that I used in the text. The content and text in my magazine is informal and I think that this would appeal to some socio-economic groups more than others and this could reflect on the audience that I receive. \I think that the informal text represents those of middle/working class more than those of an upper class as stereotypically they would prefer something perhaps more formal and that spoke about issues more formally. Another way that I think my media product represent a particular social group is through the clothes that my 'artists' are wearing. The clothes they are wearing are very fashionable and in style however show the artist as quite laid back. For example, on my double page spread one of the band members is seen wearing band merchandise of another band. This would be something that appeals and connects more with an audience from the middle/working class as they are able to relate to as this may be something that they commonly wear. Some of the camera angles may help to represent a particular socio-economic group. For example, all of my photo's were taken from the same level as the eye contact of the artist, this meant that the audience were able to relate with the artist and they were able to feel on the same level of the artist. 

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