Monday 9 February 2015

Final product - Front Cover

Final Product - Front Cover

This is the final product for my Front Cover. I decided to keep it very simple and basic. I only added features which I thought were necessary. I added the masthead 'B.A.S.S' and decided I would make a unusual decision to have my masthead off-centre which I thought made it interesting as it is not conventional.

I put a barcode onto the bottom on the page on the right hand side. I felt this made the magazine look more professional and realistic. I also decided to add a title underneath my masthead, I feel this make it more interesting and gave me the option to add more text without having cover lines which I decided took focus away from the picture. I did not like this. 

With all of this in thought I created my cover and I am happy with it. I feel it both defies magazine conventions and follows them at the same time which I think makes this magazine cover especially unusual and will appeal to the readers eye.

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