Monday 9 February 2015

Final Product - Contents Page

Final Product - Contents Page

This is the final product for contents page. I decided this was the page where I would use my group shot of my 'models'. I made the decision that I would make my layout similar to a real music magazine. I feel this helped me to grasp a sense of professionalism on this page.There is a list of bands and rock musical artists that B.A.S.S would have ranked as Great Rock Artists. 

I decided that i would have the title of this page in red, I feel this is a bold colour that makes the title stand out and will gain the attention of the audience. Also I made the decision that the page numbers would also stand out and helps draw attention to the page titles that will inform and interest the reader about what they can hope to read in th is magazine.

My final decision was that I would place other edited pictures of my band The Pretty Reckless. I feel this helped to reinforce the 'Pretty Reckless take over' issue.

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