Tuesday 14 October 2014



When brainstorming ideas for my Masthead I decided to create a mind map to help me think of different areas of music I could involve in my masthead. In my mind map I included I range of things such as cliche's and contradictions of my genre of music.                                                       

In this brainstorm I thought about a colour scheme that would work for my masthead.  I thought about what colour would give the best impression of rock. I decided that to give an impression of rock the best colours to use would be Black, White or Red. I would decide further what colours to use when I had decided on a title and see what the results would look like.

Then I decided to think about what images come to mind when thinking about rock to help me decide what image to use as a backing image for my masthead. I thought about maybe using fire as a background but decided against it as it may give off a more violent vibe than I am looking for. Death plays quite an important part in the overall look of Rock. When I thought about including skulls or cross bones in my masthead I immediately disagreed with the thought as I felt it would draw to much attention away from the title and also make the magazine have more of an adult focus.

I also thought about what words I associate with Rock which may help me create a name for my magazine. I prefer the name B.A.S.S. that gives off the impression of Rock and music but does not apply to a specific audience which works for the magazine I am aiming to create. I thought about which other names could apply to my magazine. I also liked the name Disturbance as it gave off the impression of an abnormal type of music however I felt that the name itself was too long.
When I considered what cliches you normally associate with rock music I came with the idea of leather jackets, biker boots and long, black hair. All of these represent a cliche rock impression.

Next I decided to try out the name B.A.S.S. in different fonts, colours and with different backgrounds.  After choosing a font that I liked I decided to experiment with colours and backgrounds. As show I experimented with 4 colours - Black, White, Blue and Red. All of these colours I felt gave I rock impression. After experimenting with them I decided that I liked to feel the last example gave me about rock. So I have decided to use a black background with white text.

I decided to think of a backing image to insert to my masthead. After re looking at my brainstorm I choose an object that I thought reflected Rock. I choose a simple guitar that I felt would look good behind my writing to make my masthead more interesting. After a lot of editing and changes I have now decided on a masthead for my magazine.

This is my masthead. I decided to use black and white to give a hard core impression and flipped the S.S to have a more interesting choice of words. I also added my picture of a guitar and changed to colour so it became more faint. I am happy with the results.

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