Friday 20 March 2015

Evaluation: Part 7

Evaluation 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

When looking back over my preliminary task, I am able to see some big advances in the way i have both structured and design my magazines from colour to content. Starting with my front cover page, from making my first front cover to my last I feel that I have learnt a lot about imagery. My images in my preliminary task are very basic and boring, they have not been edited and have been taken at a simple and standard angle. However, when I look at my I see a range of editing skills have been used and I although my final cover is simple I feel this makes my image stand out. As I am looking back over my preliminary task I soon realise that not having cover lines was a good idea as although it makes it harder for the reader to see whats inside the magazine the image on the front will hopefully draw them in. 

When I look back over my contents I can clearly see how basic my preliminary task contents page is. From the basic layout to the boring colour scheme my preliminary task was. I learnt that to make my contents page more appealing I had to include a range of colours that would compliment each other such as red and green, which i have used in my final task contents page. In my preliminary task I had a very small target audience being school children, this I think was more difficult than making my final magazine attract a bigger selected audience. For my preliminary piece i found it difficult to accommodate my magazine to such a small target audience due to the fact I could not alternate and be as free with my design, content and layout.



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