Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation: Part 6

Evaluation 6 : What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt that when making a magazine, technology is very important factor.  Without technology is would be difficult and very expensive to mass-produce magazines and make them look appealing to my audience. The imagery of magazines would be very basic and minimalistic without camera's. When making my magazine, I used a Canon to take my images. I used this because I felt that the canon was the appropriate due to that fact that the zoom enabled me to add focus to my model's and in my double page spread the focus was very important as it enabled me to focus on the fist rather than my models face.
Editing was very important in my magazine as it gave me the chance to add effects and 'extras' that i couldn't have without technology. I have learnt that this is a very long and delicate process which takes the majority of the time when making my magazine. When editing I used many online application such as 'Pixlr' and 'PicMonkey' which meant I was able to adjust and fix my image to the way i wanted. I was able to add makeup and adjust the effects placed on the image to enhance the effect it gave on my readers.

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