Evaluation: How did you attract/address your audience?
Colour Scheme
Colour Scheme was a big issue for me, I really struggled to decided on what colours I could use that would help me to attract the target audience I planned for. I decided that I would do some quick research around my genre and what magazines of my genre have used and chose for their colour scheme. I came to the conclusion that rock magazines like to use plain colours like black and white and then use bright, bold colours for example, red, green or blue to make words or important images stand out in contrast to the other images. I decided that I would use red as the title colour for my contents page as it is bold and would stand out and draw the attention of the reader. This is important I feel this will enhance the look the magazine has. It was important that my magazine was not only filled with bright and bold colours that it also featured some relatively dark such as black and grey, this will help give my magazine the rock vibe I am looking for.

I feel that the way that I have structured the layout of B.A.S.S will draw attention to it and hopefully gain interest due to its uniqueness. I did plan to stick to the typical magazine convention layout. However, I made some slight alterations that I feel will expand the target audience and make the magazine have a more professional view. I did some research when making my double-page spread and my contents page and I found a image of NME's contents that I decided would be a good template for my contents page. I based my double-page spread off this image of Hayley Williams, lead singer of Paramore. I found this image very eye-catching and interesting. I had my model pose in a similar way.
Eye Contact
I had all of my 'models' make eye contact with the camera. This was very important as I feel it enhances the effect the magazine has on the reader and will hopefully gain their attention more than a image that had no eye contact. This I feel is important as it will help to gain the audiences interest to the page and hopefully the information on it.