Saturday 17 January 2015

Double Page Spread - Plan

Double Page Spread Plan
Double Page Spread

This is a quick digital plan i made of my double page spread. I decided a big and bold title would be appropriate for this and the artists name would be in a larger font to draw attention. I decided that i would make my double page spread an interview from a rock artist as from my research i found that interview were a common and informative way that magazines present their double page spread.

 I plan to have my image very similar to this and I plan to achieve this by using the rule of thirds. This means that the picture will become more interesting and will become the main focus of this page. This however I feel is a traditional magazine convention including the layout, having the interview in columns makes the interview in a more creative layout but still understandable. I plan to sculpt the writing closest to the image around the artist so the writing is clear and in a appropriate font. 
I decided that i would use a bold line to separate the title from the interview. I feel this adds colour to the page but does not become a distraction.

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