Saturday 20 September 2014

School Magazine Analysis

School Magazine Analysis

Before I begin to make my preliminary task school magazine I decided to analyse some existing magazine to identify how the conventions used and the overall effect that these conventions have on the look of the magazine. This is a previous students school magazine that I found when looking at their blog. I decided that this magazine would be a good example to do a textual analysis on as it is relevant to the task as it is a school magazine and also I will be able to reflect on a past students work and this will help me decide what does and does not work with the choices that they made.

Now the thing that you are first attracted to when looking at this magazine is the 'Masthead'. The masthead on this magazine is big and bold and stands out from the magazine. The masthead of the magazine is in a different font and colour which makes it stand out compared to the other text on the cover of the magazine. Something about this masthead which makes it very different to other magazine mastheads is the way that they have used the 'W' for Wilmo, for the word Weekly as well. This makes the masthead interesting and to help it stand out.
Another feature that you are immediately attracted to when first looking at this magazine is the cover image. The cover image used is bold and stands out as there is only one person included in the image that it is not to cramped or over crowned. However the way that the publisher has made the image stand out by making the image large and taking up most of the cover is interesting and defiantly something I will think about doing when I make my preliminary school magazine and my music magazine.
The cover lines of this magazine are quite bold and they did this by making particular words in a bolder colour such as red in order to draw the readers in. This is an effective method of making the cover lines stand out to the reader and would help to draw in an audience or even a different audience to the magazine. Cover lines are important on a magazine as they help to inform and give the reader an idea what the magazine is about and what it will be including. This will be important for the reader when deciding whether to buy the magazine or not.

However there are some things on this magazine that I would change or not include when making my own magazine. The structure of the magazine looks quite rushed and cluttered meaning that the actual magazine is complicated to read and could make the reader lose interest in the magazine if the layout is not simple, therefore this will be something that I need to consider when making my magazine. When making my magazine I think that I will try to focus on a colour scheme as this magazine includes many colours and becomes very hard to focus on a particular element as all of the features stand out on the magazine. These are all things I need to think about when making my own magazine.

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