On the second photo I decided that I will have two of my 'models' pose with the peace sign just to give me different ways of rock style posing. I decided that I would mix up the order of my models to see if it would impact the way that the photo makes me feel. I decided that my final model will be kept casual which would give off the impression that they do not care, that they are a care free person.
On this photo I decided that my 'models' would all act casual in this photo. I thought that this would be a good idea as it would make my 'models' seem less formal meaning that my magazine would be less formal. This is good as it means that I can write in a more casual way and it will help to attract the younger. I decided to keep the same order with my 'models' as I felt it was better with the taller two at the sides and the smaller 'model' in the middle. This helps to draw attention to them.
This is the forth photo I took. I decided to change the positions of my models completely in this photo it see how it would work out. I quickly researched beforehand some classic band poses and this was one. The classic pose of one band member bending over and the others leaning on them worked well I think. I thought that this photo fits well into the magazine conventions of a band photo shoot. I decided I would rearrange the band again so i could get a range of different photo's with different orders.
This is the last group photo i took. I remembered the mantra "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. I decided this would be a good thing to play with during this photo. I decided as there are three things and i have three 'models' that it would be appropriate for them to each have a part of the mantra. I also made the decision that i would have my 'models' pose in height order.